Kassidy and Sophie - Poems
Cute, fun, nice and caring
All are understatements. About who?
Well....the only one who has the title as: Kassidy's BFF
The only one who was there when I moved, the only one that I truly love Outside my family! The one who I can trust and count on. The only one who
She has my back, she knows what I like, she knows, ME!!
I love, she loves, we both love eachother!
SO who is this person? Well you must have guessed by now!!!!!
Different, funny, sweet, understanding
My best friend and companion through all the hard times
The one I can count on, to talk to with troubles
To rely on
To laugh really hard when I fumble.
And make me laugh; forget my pain
To make me the person I am today
To be there through the ups and downs (even at Six Flags with the roller coasters...LOL)!
The one in my past, present, and future.
I know that she'll always be there for me
For all kinds of things like de-stressing me
And to make water fall when I have to pee.
To laugh with me, chaff with me,
Even to giggle
Shall I tell you her name?
PS: Sorry about that last line...I couldn't find anything that rhymed with giggle and meant Kassidy! LOL! Anyways, I know I kinda stole your ideas like starting the first line with characteristics about you and like not saying the name until the very end...but it's 10:36 and I'm tired, so...HEY! DON'T BLAME ME! Oh, yeah! I made it so that the black word, you can click on it to see the definition! cool, huh?! (look at the last definition)
Love ya,
Sophie (Ophiebutt)